Your Guide to Keeping your Home Safe this Summer

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School is out and summer is here! It's getting stuffy in the office and you probably have an itch to get outside and get away. That's great, but while you are gone, you need to make sure that you protect your home and all your valuables. Here are 10 ways to do so:

1. Don't post to social media
 Wait until you get home to share pictures of your vacation. Don't jeopardize your home just so you can let everyone know you are having a great time.

2. Set timers for your lights 
If burglars see the same light on all day and night, it's not hard for them to figure out that you aren't home.

3. Don't let your mail pile up
This is a dead giveaway. Either have a neighbor pick it up or go to the post office to put a hold on it

4. Disconnect your electronics 
Most devices will still sap energy if they are plugged in, even if they are off. If you are going to be gone for a longer period of time, this could save you a lot of money.

5. Keep your lawn looking nice

 Either mow before you leave or get someone to mow your yard when you're gone. An unkempt yard is an easy sign for a burglar to see you aren't home

6. Remove spare keys
 Don't keep your spare key hidden in a secret location outside your home. Put them in the house to avoid someone snooping around your property for a spare key.

7. Ask someone to watch your home
This is your best option. This person can take care of most of this list for you and you will have a set of eyes inside the house just in case anything goes wrong

8. Test your smoke detectors
 Make sure your smoke detectors are working to prevent a fire or to alert neighbors if there is nobody home.

9. Notify your neighbors that you are gone

 Let them know you will be gone or that somebody else will be watching it

10. Leave your car in your driveway
 If you have a second car, leave it in the driveway, This will give outsiders the impression that you are still home.

Hopefully these tips will make your vacation more fun and less worrisome. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to give us a call or send us an email!

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